My approach is Person-Centred and this means I am led by your unique needs.
Carl Rogers was the founder of the humanistic approach called Person-Centred Therapy. The belief that underpins his theory is that we are born congruent (honest) and as we grow up, we are affected by our environment and that has an impact on how we function in our lives. If surrounded by the right environment, we can grow to reach our full potential in life. A way to visualise this is with a plant that sits in a dark room. There is a slight gap of light shining through behind the curtains and so the plant will lean towards that light because it has an innate need to grow. If given the right conditions (water, sunshine and attention) the plant will grow to its full potential. The right environment for people is: empathy, congruency and being non-judgemental.
As a Person-Centred counsellor, I embody these and extend them to you as I trust that, given the right environment, you hold your answers to your own growth. I am not here to diagnose and externally fix your problems, but to listen and explore what is going on internally within you. Because within the Person-Centred Approach, the relationship ‘is the therapy’. In other words, the quality of the relationship is essential for effective results and is the ethos that underpins my practice.
I am here to help facilitating a space where you feel safe to allow you to self-explore the content that you bring. This process may lead to therapeutic growth, including greater self-awareness and better self-understanding. It is my utter privilege to accompany you on this journey towards change and growth to live the life you really want to live and fulfil your unique potential in life.